Jessica de Boer

Charly Zastrau - Playing piano in the band Tettero

Klaas van Donkersgoed on drums - band Tettero

Iris Penning singing in the Richie Reichgelt band

Cok van Vuuren on guitar playing with trumpetist Ellister van der Molen

Jean-Jacques Rojer playing guitar with Juliana Martina and her band

Dario Trapani playing guitar in the band Fast De

Kipski, playing his modular synthesizer

fabulous drummer Sun-Mi Hong playing with her quintet

Marta Arpini vocals with band Molino

Wolf Martini & Joost Zoeteman on guitar

Alexander van Popta for the Teus Noble Liberty Group

Lucas Santana artist in residence

Erik Verwy on piamo with his band

Adinda Meertins with her band Seet Tolko

Playing the piano with the Orchestra Jazz SIlicliano

Director of the Orchestra Jazz Sicilano

On the drums for the Orchestra Jazz Siciliano

Trintje Oosterhuis with Orchestra Jazz Siciliano

John Clayton, guest director for the Orchestra Jazz Siciliano

Camilla George playing with her band

Pit Dahm on drums for the band Like a Jazz Machine

Pat Cleaver on base for the band Like a Jazz Machine

Gerald Clayton, on piano playing with his father John on base

Noah Hassler-Forest, on violin in the band Ragazzi